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Designarchy Vol. 13

Designarchy Vol. 13 Designarchy Vol. 13

I save many things each month that I find inspiring for some reason, and I like organized lists, so I figured I’d share those lists and maybe help someone out of a creative block.

Why Designarchy

Because Inspiration and creativity do not have true governance, we creatives have time and feedback constraints that keep us from being true artists. Still, the process inside our minds, that split second when we decide which direction to go and what to create, based on god-knows-what, is the black box no company culture will ever own and control. And since this is the base of all other capabilities of a designer, I decided to always remind myself of that by changing the list’s name.

Your deliverables are the product of your inner mind, which feeds your taste and craft. Elevate those, and you elevate your abilities. All the software in the world won’t improve your inspiration and creative mind.

📙See volume 10 — April

📙See volume 11 — June

📙See volume 12 — June

Pro tip: use the cmd + f to find the inspiration you need faster. For example: “Portfolio inspiration”

1. Refresh your loading animation

Griffin Johnston has a very neat library of loading animations that you can use to elevate your product. It’s Free, open-source loaders and spinners for your next project. Built with HTML, CSS & SVG, and powered by web components, for maximum compatibility.

LDRS – UI Ball

2. Data visualization — Hearts and Minds

Federica Fragapane, an amazing designer and teacher, created alongside ODI (independent, global affairs think tank) and the IKEA Foundation a website that showcases immigration statistics in Europe.

Besides how informative this is, it’s also very creative and clear in terms of data visualization, which is always a tough subject to display in an interesting way.

Hearts and minds: how Europeans think and feel about immigration

3. Pitch decks and design guidelines — Deck.Gallery

If you’re building a deck for your stakeholders, a brand guidelines presentation, or an executive summary and you want some high-quality inspiration, this is the place for it.

Deck.Gallery curates beautifully designed decks, slides, keynotes, guidelines — or whatever you call them.

Deck.Gallery® – Beautifully designed decks, curated

4. Minimal store design — Nice Studio

Nice Studio has reached such a calm layout, that I almost converted to buying an item just because I didn’t want to leave.
If you are working on e-commerce, this is a good reference for how much you can reduce.

Store | Nice Studio

5. Large visual assets bank — Crate

From assets to mockups and fonts, this website has it all. I like the vibe and style of the assets, definitely not what you usually find online.
I’m not associated with the website but keep in mind some assets are not free.

Crate – Expand your design inventory.

6. AI-powered tools for rappers, writers, and wordsmiths — TextFX

TextFX is an AI experiment that uses Google’s PaLM 2 large language model. These 10 tools are designed to expand the writing process by generating creative possibilities with text and language. The website itself is fun and visually appealing.


7. OnePageLove — curated landing pages

The One Page Love website was launched in March 2008 by Rob Hope in Cape Town, South Africa who continues to add One Page websites and resources daily.
If you are still unfamiliar, this is a great resource for all kinds of landing pages and inspiration around it.

One Page Love – One Page Website Inspiration and Templates

8. COTODAMA Speaker Box

Founded in Tokyo in 2016 as a creative company that creates new bonds between music and listeners. COTODAMA was the first Asian company to be awarded a prize at the SXSW accelerator and was selected for Abbey Road Red, Europe’s leading music technology incubation program.

Through our actions, we hopes to contribute to the
development of lyric culture and
create a more diverse and richer musical experience.

This product’s style gives lyrics a new life and connects between what we listen to, and how we listen and experience it.

Lyric Speaker

9. A Day In Bengaluru — Arnaud Moro

Arnaud Moro, a French self-taught photographer, director, and cinematographer based in Amsterdam and others recorded a day in the life of the south Indian city. The result is a very personal, intimate video that makes you feel like you know the place from the locals.

Listen with speakers to get the full experience.

10. Idea into product — The Note-Taking Kit

Matthew Encina, a content creator, award-winning creative director, and educator shares his entire creative process, Idea to Launch.
If you are looking to make something of your own, physical or digital this video is a very honest and professional source to guide you for what you should expect.

The Note Taking Kit | Grovemade®

Summing up

If you just scrolled past this list and said “There’s nothing here that helps and ignites creativity”, you need to adjust your curiosity. These links offer hundreds of sub-links, more references, additional work, more inspiration, and resource banks. Scroll back and now really look.

I hope you found this useful, Let me know in the comments.



Manu – I codeMother Design – Work

Designarchy Vol. 13 was originally published in UX Planet on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.